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Retreat Within: A Self-Care Journey
Welcome to the 8-week Retreat Within Self-Care Journey! The coursework for each week is explained when you begin. Take time and dig into each of the topics covered. The more you put into this journey, the more improved your new life will be. You are taking a transformative dive into a kind and gentle journey to connect with your true self again. You will understand the 3 Planes we live within and how mastery dissolves chaos and overwhelm to reveal Spiritual Plane abundance.For right NOW, please establish specific times each day to retreat within and do the self-work suggested. These next 8 weeks will overflow into your new NOW. It is time to be happy and healthy every minute of every day for the rest of your life.          It's all yours NOW!

The weeks are broken down into days and many of the days have added lessons. You may work at your own pace but it is important to complete each week at the scheduled time.

Enjoy every minute!

Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito

The price for course is $399.00 now.

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